Source code for pyircbot.modules.DogeScramble

#!/usr/bin/env python
.. module:: DogeScramble
    :synopsis: This module provides a word scrambling game that rewards winners with small amounts of Dogecoin

.. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu <>


from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase, ModuleHook
import random
import os
from threading import Timer

[docs]class DogeScramble(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName) self.hooks = [ModuleHook("PRIVMSG", self.scramble)] # Load attribute storage self.attr = None serviceProviders ="attributes") if len(serviceProviders) == 0: self.log.error("DogeScramble: Could not find a valid attributes service provider") else:"DogeScramble: Selecting attributes service provider: %s" % serviceProviders[0]) self.attr = serviceProviders[0] # Load doge RPC self.doge ="dogerpc") # Per channel games = {}
[docs] def scramble(self, args, prefix, trailing): channel = args[0] if channel[0] == "#": # Ignore messages from users without a dogewallet password prefixObj = if self.attr.getKey(prefixObj.nick, "password") is None: return if channel not in[channel] = scrambleGame(self, channel)[channel].scramble(args, prefix, trailing)
[docs] def ondisable(self):"DogeScramble: Unload requested, ending games...") for game in[game].gameover()
[docs]class scrambleGame: def __init__(self, master, channel): self.master = master = channel # Running? self.running = False # Current word self.currentWord = None # Current word, scrambled self.scrambled = None # Online? self.scrambleOn = False # Count down to hints self.hintTimer = None # of hints given self.hintsGiven = 0 # Cooldown between words self.nextTimer = None # How many guesses submitted this round self.guesses = 0 # How many games in a row where nobody guessed self.gamesWithoutGuesses = 0 # What file are we using self.category_file = None # How many words in this category have been used? self.category_count = 0 # How long between categories self.change_category_after_words = self.master.config["categoryduration"] # Should we change categories at the next pick? self.should_change_category = True # Holds the processed category name self.category_name = None # list of last picked words self.lastwords = [] # name of last winner for decreasing return self.lastwinner = None self.lastwinvalue = 0 self.delayHint = self.master.config["hintDelay"] self.delayNext = self.master.config["delayNext"] self.maxHints = self.master.config["maxHints"] self.abortAfterNoGuesses = self.master.config["abortAfterNoGuesses"]
[docs] def gameover(self): self.clearTimers() self.running = False
[docs] def clearTimers(self): self.clearTimer(self.nextTimer) self.clearTimer(self.hintTimer)
[docs] def clearTimer(self, timer): if timer: timer.cancel()
[docs] def scramble(self, args, prefix, trailing): prefix = sender = prefix.nick senderIsOp = self.master.attr.getKey(prefix.nick, "op") == "yes" cmd =".scramble", trailing) if cmd and not self.running: # and senderIsOp self.running = True self.startScramble() return cmd =".scrambleoff", trailing) if cmd and senderIsOp and self.running: self.gameover() self.running = False return if self.currentWord and trailing.strip().lower() == self.currentWord: # Get winner withdraw address useraddr = self.master.attr.getKey(prefix.nick, "dogeaddr") userwallet = self.master.attr.getKey(prefix.nick, "dogeaccountname"), "%s got the word - %s!" % (sender, self.currentWord)) if not useraddr:, "%s: to win DOGE, you must set an wallet address by PMing me " "\".setdogeaddr\". Next word in %s seconds." % (prefix.nick, self.delayNext)) else: winamount = float(self.master.config["winAmount"]) if self.lastwinner == prefix.nick: winamount = self.lastwinvalue * self.master.config["decreaseFactor"] self.lastwinvalue = winamount self.lastwinner = prefix.nick, "%s won %s DOGE! Next word in %s seconds." % (prefix.nick, round(winamount, 8), self.delayNext)) self.master.doge.move('', userwallet, winamount) self.currentWord = None self.clearTimers() self.hintsGiven = 0 self.nextTimer = Timer(self.delayNext, self.startNewWord) self.nextTimer.start() self.guesses = 0 self.category_count += 1"DogeScramble: category_count is: %s" % (self.category_count)) if self.category_count >= self.change_category_after_words: self.should_change_category = True else: self.guesses += 1
[docs] def startScramble(self): self.clearTimer(self.nextTimer) self.nextTimer = Timer(0, self.startNewWord) self.nextTimer.start()
[docs] def startNewWord(self): self.currentWord = self.pickWord() self.scrambled = self.scrambleWord(self.currentWord), "[Category: %s] Unscramble this: %s " % (self.category_name, self.scrambled)) self.clearTimer(self.hintTimer) self.hintTimer = Timer(self.delayHint, self.giveHint) self.hintTimer.start()
[docs] def giveHint(self): self.hintsGiven += 1 if self.hintsGiven >= len(self.currentWord) or self.hintsGiven > self.maxHints: self.abortWord() return blanks = "" for letter in list(self.currentWord): if letter == " ": blanks += " " else: blanks += "_" partFromWord = self.currentWord[0:self.hintsGiven] partFromBlanks = blanks[self.hintsGiven:] hintstr = partFromWord + partFromBlanks, "Hint: - %s" % (hintstr)) self.clearTimer(self.hintTimer) self.hintTimer = Timer(self.delayHint, self.giveHint) self.hintTimer.start()
[docs] def abortWord(self): cur = self.currentWord self.currentWord = None, "Word expired - the answer was '%s'. Next word in %s seconds." % (cur, self.delayNext)) self.hintsGiven = 0 self.clearTimer(self.nextTimer) if self.guesses == 0: self.gamesWithoutGuesses += 1 if self.gamesWithoutGuesses >= self.abortAfterNoGuesses:, "No one seems to be playing - type .scramble to start again.") self.gameover() return else: self.gamesWithoutGuesses = 0 self.nextTimer = Timer(self.delayNext, self.startNewWord) self.nextTimer.start()
[docs] def catFileNameToStr(self, s): s = s.split(".")[0] s = s.replace("_", " ") return s.title()
[docs] def pickWord(self): if self.should_change_category: # clear flags self.should_change_category = False self.category_count = 0 # Get the path to word files dir dirpath = self.master.getFilePath("") # List dir files = os.listdir(dirpath) # choose a random file random.shuffle(files) self.category_file = files[0] self.category_name = self.catFileNameToStr(self.category_file) # Process the name & announce, "The category is now: %s " % self.category_name) # count lines f = open(self.master.getFilePath(self.category_file), "r") lines = 0 while True: lines += 1 if f.readline() == "": break f.close() # change category picked = "" while picked == "" or picked in self.lastwords: skip = random.randint(0, lines) f = open(self.master.getFilePath(self.category_file), "r") while skip >= 0: f.readline() skip -= 1 picked = f.readline().strip().lower() f.close()"DogeScramble: picked %s for %s" % (picked, self.lastwords.append(picked) if len(self.lastwords) > 5: self.lastwords.pop(0) return picked
[docs] def scrambleWord(self, word): scrambled = "" for subword in word.split(" "): scrambled += self.scrambleIndividualWord(subword) + " " return scrambled.strip()
[docs] def scrambleIndividualWord(self, word): scrambled = list(word) random.shuffle(scrambled) return ''.join(scrambled).lower()