Source code for pyircbot.modules.Scramble

.. module:: Scramble
    :synopsis: Module to provide a word scramble game

.. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu <>


from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase, hook
from pyircbot.common import messageHasCommand
import random
import json
import os
from threading import Timer
from operator import itemgetter

[docs]class Scramble(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): # init the base module ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName) # Dictionary self.wordsCount = 0 self.wordsFile = self.getFilePath("words.txt") print(self.wordsFile) wordsF = open(self.wordsFile, "r") while True: word = wordsF.readline() if not word: break self.wordsCount += 1 wordsF.close"Scramble: Loaded %s words" % str(self.wordsCount)) # Load scores self.scoresFile = self.getFilePath("scores.json") if not os.path.exists(self.scoresFile): json.dump({}, open(self.scoresFile, 'w')) self.scores = json.load(open(self.scoresFile, 'r')) # Per channel games = {} # Hook in
[docs] @hook("PRIVMSG") def scramble(self, msg, cmd): channel = msg.args[0] if channel[0] == "#": if channel not in[channel] = scrambleGame(self, channel)[channel].scramble(msg.args, msg.prefix, msg.trailing)
[docs] def saveScores(self): json.dump(self.scores, open(self.scoresFile, 'w'))
[docs] def getScore(self, player, add=0): player = player.lower() if player not in self.scores: self.scores[player] = 0 if not add == 0: self.scores[player] += add self.saveScores() return self.scores[player]
[docs] def getScoreNoWrite(self, player): if not player.lower() in self.scores: return 0 else: return self.getScore(player)
[docs] def ondisable(self):"Scramble: Unload requested, ending games...") for game in[game].gameover() self.saveScores()
[docs]class scrambleGame: def __init__(self, master, channel): self.master = master = channel # Running? self.running = False # Current word self.currentWord = None # Current word, scrambled self.scrambled = None # Online? self.scrambleOn = False # Count down to hints self.hintTimer = None # of hints given self.hintsGiven = 0 # Cooldown between words self.nextTimer = None # How many gamesWithoutGuesses submitted this round self.guesses = 0 # How many games in a row where nobody guessed self.gamesWithoutGuesses = 0 self.delayHint = self.master.config["hintDelay"] self.delayNext = self.master.config["delayNext"] self.maxHints = self.master.config["maxHints"] self.abortAfterNoGuesses = self.master.config["abortAfterNoGuesses"]
[docs] def gameover(self): self.clearTimers() self.running = False
[docs] def clearTimers(self): self.clearTimer(self.nextTimer) self.clearTimer(self.hintTimer)
[docs] def clearTimer(self, timer): if timer: timer.cancel()
[docs] def scramble(self, args, prefix, trailing): sender = prefix.nick cmd = messageHasCommand(".scrambleon", trailing) if cmd and not self.running: self.running = True self.startScramble() return cmd = messageHasCommand(".scrambleoff", trailing) if cmd and self.running: self.gameover() self.running = False return cmd = messageHasCommand(".scramble top", trailing) if cmd: sortedscores = [] for player in self.master.scores: sortedscores.append({'name': player, 'score': self.master.scores[player]}) sortedscores = sorted(sortedscores, key=itemgetter('score')) sortedscores.reverse() numScores = len(sortedscores) if numScores > 3: numScores = 3 resp = "Top %s: " % str(numScores) which = 1 while which <= numScores: resp += "%s: %s, " % (sortedscores[which - 1]["name"], sortedscores[which - 1]["score"]) which += 1, resp[:-2]) cmd = messageHasCommand(".scramble score", trailing) if cmd: someone = cmd.args.strip() if len(someone) > 0:, "%s: %s has a score of %s" % (sender, someone, self.master.getScoreNoWrite(someone))) else:, "%s: %s" % (sender, self.master.getScore(sender))) if self.currentWord and trailing.strip().lower() == self.currentWord: playerScore = self.master.getScore(sender, 1), "%s guessed the word - %s! %s now has %s points. Next word in %s " "seconds." % (sender, self.currentWord, sender, playerScore, self.delayNext)) self.currentWord = None self.clearTimers() self.hintsGiven = 0 self.nextTimer = Timer(self.delayNext, self.startNewWord) self.nextTimer.start() self.guesses = 0 else: self.guesses += 1
[docs] def startScramble(self): self.clearTimer(self.nextTimer) self.nextTimer = Timer(0, self.startNewWord) self.nextTimer.start()
[docs] def startNewWord(self): self.currentWord = self.pickWord()"Scramble: New word for %s: %s" % (, self.currentWord)) self.scrambled = self.scrambleWord(self.currentWord), "New word - %s " % (self.scrambled)) self.clearTimer(self.hintTimer) self.hintTimer = Timer(self.delayHint, self.giveHint) self.hintTimer.start()
[docs] def giveHint(self): self.hintsGiven += 1 if self.hintsGiven >= len(self.currentWord) or self.hintsGiven > self.maxHints: self.abortWord() return blanks = "" for letter in list(self.currentWord): if letter == " ": blanks += " " else: blanks += "_" partFromWord = self.currentWord[0:self.hintsGiven] partFromBlanks = blanks[self.hintsGiven:] hintstr = partFromWord + partFromBlanks, "Hint: - %s" % (hintstr)) self.clearTimer(self.hintTimer) self.hintTimer = Timer(self.delayHint, self.giveHint) self.hintTimer.start()
[docs] def abortWord(self): cur = self.currentWord self.currentWord = None, "Word expired - the answer was %s. Next word in %s seconds." % (cur, self.delayNext)) self.hintsGiven = 0 self.clearTimer(self.nextTimer) if self.guesses == 0: self.gamesWithoutGuesses += 1 if self.gamesWithoutGuesses >= self.abortAfterNoGuesses:, "No one seems to be playing - type .scrambleon to " "start again.") self.gameover() return else: self.gamesWithoutGuesses = 0 self.nextTimer = Timer(self.delayNext, self.startNewWord) self.nextTimer.start()
[docs] def pickWord(self): f = open(self.master.wordsFile, "r") skip = random.randint(0, self.master.wordsCount) while skip >= 0: f.readline() skip -= 1 picked = f.readline().strip().lower() f.close() return picked
[docs] def scrambleWord(self, word): scrambled = "" for subword in word.split(" "): scrambled += self.scrambleIndividualWord(subword) + " " return scrambled.strip()
[docs] def scrambleIndividualWord(self, word): scrambled = list(word) random.shuffle(scrambled) return ''.join(scrambled).lower()