:mod:`DogeScramble` --- A word scramble game with rewards ========================================================= This module provides a word scrambling game that rewards winners with small amounts of Dogecoin. Requires a ``dogerpc`` service provider such as :doc:`DogeRPC `. Config ------ .. code-block:: json { "hintDelay": 15, "delayNext": 5, "maxHints": 5, "abortAfterNoGuesses": 2, "categoryduration": 10, "winAmount": 5, "decreaseFactor": 0.75 } In addition to the json config above, additional categories of words may be added by adding additional text files to the DogeScramble data dir. .. cmdoption:: hintDelay Seconds between hints if the word is not guessed .. cmdoption:: delayNext Delay in seconds between the end of one round and start of the next .. cmdoption:: maxHints How many letters will be hinted before the word is thrown away .. cmdoption:: abortAfterNoGuesses How many rounds may pass with no players guessing. Once this count is passed, the game is automatically stopped. .. cmdoption:: categoryduration Number of words used from a category before changing the category .. cmdoption:: winAmount Amount of dogecoin to send the winner .. cmdoption:: decreaseFactor For subsequent wins by the same player, the reward will be the previous reward multiplied times this number Commands -------- .. cmdoption:: .scramble Start the unscramble game .. cmdoption:: .scrambleoff Stop the unscramble game Class Reference --------------- .. automodule:: pyircbot.modules.DogeScramble :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: