:mod:`DuckHunt` --- Duckhunt game ================================= Example usage: .. code-block:: none 3:15:06 PM \_o< Quack! 3:15:08 PM <@dave-irccloud> !shoot 3:15:08 PM dave-irccloud fires after 1.73 seconds and misses! 3:15:09 PM <@dave-irccloud> !shoot 3:15:10 PM dave-irccloud fires after 3.83 seconds and misses! 3:15:11 PM <@dave-irccloud> !shoot 3:15:11 PM dave-irccloud bags a 2.63 lb Duck in 4.92 seconds! 3:15:19 PM <@dave-irccloud> !huntscore << in pm >> 3:15:19 PM 0 prime catches, 0 runts, 3 bullets used and 2 misses. 3:15:20 PM You've shot 1 Ducks for a total weight of 2.63 lbs. Class Reference --------------- .. automodule:: pyircbot.modules.DuckHunt :members: :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: