ModuleBase — Base class for Bot modules

All bot modules should extend this class. ModuleBase includes helper methods to integrate modules with the bot for smooth running.

class pyircbot.modulebase.AbstractHook[source]

Bases: object

Decorator for calling module methods in response to arbitrary IRC actions. Example:

def mymyethod(self, message, extra):
    print("IRC server sent something that matched <conditions>")

This stores some record of the above filtering in an attribute of the decorated method, such as method.__tag_hooks. This attribute is scanned during module init and appropriate hooks are set up.

Hooks implement a validate() method that return a true-like or false-like item, dictating whether the hooked method will be called (with the message and true-like object as parameters)

Parameters:args (str) – irc protocol event to listen for. See pyircbot.irccore.IRCCore.initHooks() for a complete list
validate(msg, bot)[source]

Return a true-like item if the hook matched. Otherwise, false. :param msg: IRCEvent instance of the message :param bot: reference to the bot TODO remove this

class pyircbot.modulebase.IRCHook(validator, method)[source]

Bases: object

exception pyircbot.modulebase.MissingDependancyException[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception expressing that a pyricbot module could not find a required module

class pyircbot.modulebase.ModuleBase(bot, moduleName)[source]

Bases: object

All modules will extend this class

  • bot (PyIRCBot) – A reference to the main bot passed when this module is created
  • moduleName (str) – The name assigned to this module
bot = None

Reference to the master PyIRCBot object

config = None

Configuration dictionary. Autoloaded from %(datadir)s/%(modulename)s.json


Returns the absolute path of this module’s json config file


Returns the absolute path to a file in this Module’s data dir


f – The file name included in the path



this does no error checking if the file exists or is writable. The bot’s data dir should always be writable


Scan the module for tagged methods and set up appropriate protocol hooks.

irchooks = None

IRC Hooks this module has


Loads this module’s config into self.config. The bot’s main config is checked for a section matching the module name, which will be preferred. If not found, an individual config file will be loaded from the data dir

log = None

Logger object for this module

moduleName = None

Assigned name of this module


Called when the module should be disabled. Your module should do any sort of clean-up operations here like ending child threads or saving data files.


Called when the module is enabled

services = None

If this module provides services usable by another module, they’re listed here

class pyircbot.modulebase.ModuleHook(hook, method)[source]

Bases: object

class pyircbot.modulebase.command(*keywords, require_args=False, allow_private=False, allow_highlight=True)[source]

Bases: pyircbot.modulebase.hook

Decorator for calling module methods when a command is parsed from chat

def cmd_ascii(self, cmd, msg):
    print("Somebody typed .ascii with params {} in channel {}".format(str(cmd.args), msg.args[0]))

This stores a list of IRC actions each function is tagged for in method.__tag_commands. This attribute is scanned during module init and appropriate hooks are set up.

  • keywords (str) – commands to listen for
  • require_args (bool, int) – only match if trailing data is passed with the command used. False-like values disable This requirement. True-like values require any number of args greater than one. Int values require a specific number of args
  • allow_private (bool) – enable matching in private messages
  • allow_highlight – treat ‘Nick[:,] command args’ the same as ‘.command args’
prefix = '.'

Hotkey that must appear before commands

validate(msg, bot)[source]

Test a message and return true if matched.

class pyircbot.modulebase.hook(*args)[source]

Bases: pyircbot.modulebase.AbstractHook

Decorator for calling module methods in response to IRC actions. Example:

def mymyethod(self, message):
    print("IRC server sent PRIVMSG")

This stores a list of IRC actions each function is tagged for in method.__tag_hooks. This attribute is scanned during module init and appropriate hooks are set up.

Parameters:args (str) – irc protocol event to listen for. See pyircbot.irccore.IRCCore.initHooks() for a complete list
validate(msg, bot)[source]
class pyircbot.modulebase.regex(*regexps, allow_private=False, types=None)[source]

Bases: pyircbot.modulebase.hook

Decorator for calling module methods when a message matches a regex.

def cmd_foobar(self, matches, msg):
    print("Someone's message was exactly "foobar" ({}) in channel {}".format(msg.message, msg.args[0]))
  • regexps – expressions to match for
  • allow_private (bool) – enable matching in private messages
  • types (list) – list of irc commands such as PRIVMSG to accept
validate(msg, bot)[source]

Test a message and return true if matched.
