DogeWallet — A Dogecoin wallet

This module provides a dogecoin wallet hosted on the IRC bot’s server. Using CryptoWallet instead is reccommended, this has many command conflicts with newer modules.


.setpass (<newpass>|<oldpass> <newpass>)

Create account or change password if account already exists. “Trust” is based on user’s hostname.

.login <password>

Log into the bot (just this module)


Log out

.setdogeaddr <address>

Set withdrawal address for current user


Get current user’s balance

.withdrawdoge <password> <amount>

With the right <password>, withdraw <amount> to current user’s withdrawal address


Get current user’s withdrawal address

Class Reference

class pyircbot.modules.DogeWallet.DogeWallet(bot, moduleName)[source]

Bases: pyircbot.modulebase.ModuleBase

gotmsg(args, prefix, trailing)[source]
handlePm(args, prefix, trailing)[source]