Remind — Set reminders


.at <time>

Remind at a specific time.

Example: .at 20:45EST Do your homework!

.in <time>

Remind after an amount of time.

Example: .in 1week5d2h1m Go fuck yourself

Class Reference

class pyircbot.modules.Remind.Remind(bot, moduleName)[source]

Bases: pyircbot.modulebase.ModuleBase

static is_dst(tz)[source]
remindat(msg, cmd)[source]
remindin(msg, cmd)[source]
scaling = {'d': 86400, 'day': 86400, 'days': 86400, 'h': 3600, 'hour': 3600, 'hours': 3600, 'hr': 3600, 'hrs': 3600, 'm': 60, 'min': 60, 'mins': 60, 'minute': 60, 'minutes': 60, 'mo': 2551442.976, 'month': 2551442.976, 'months': 2551442.976, 's': 1, 'sec': 1, 'second': 1, 'seconds': 1, 'secs': 1, 'w': 604800, 'week': 604800, 'weeks': 604800, 'wk': 604800, 'wks': 604800, 'y': 31557600.0, 'year': 31557600.0, 'years': 31557600.0, 'yrs': 31557600.0}
sendReminders(reminders, target, nick)[source]

Send a set of reminders of the same recipient, to them. Collapse down into one message.

static translateZoneStr(zonestr)[source]