Source code for pyircbot.modules.NFLLive

.. module:: NFLLive
    :synopsis: Show upcoming NFL games and current scores.

.. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu <>


from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase, command
from pyircbot.modules.ModInfo import info
from time import time
from requests import get
from lxml import etree
from datetime import datetime, timedelta

[docs]class NFLLive(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName) self.cache = None self.cacheAge = 0
[docs] @info("nfl", "show nfl schedule & score", cmds=["nfl"]) @command("nfl") def nflitup(self, message, cmd): games = self.getNflGamesCached() msg = [] liveGames = [] gamesLaterToday = [] gamesToday = [] gamesUpcoming = [] gamesEarlierWeek = [] # sort games for game in games["games"]: if game["time"] is not None: liveGames.append(game) elif game["quarter"] == "P" and game["startdate"].day == gamesLaterToday.append(game) elif game["startdate"].day == gamesToday.append(game) elif game["startdate"].day > gamesUpcoming.append(game) else: gamesEarlierWeek.append(game) # create list of formatted games liveGamesStr = [] for game in liveGames: liveGamesStr.append(self.formatGameLive(game)) liveGamesStr = ", ".join(liveGamesStr) gamesLaterTodayStr = [] for game in gamesLaterToday: gamesLaterTodayStr.append(self.formatGameFuture(game)) gamesLaterTodayStr = ", ".join(gamesLaterTodayStr) gamesTodayStr = [] for game in gamesToday: gamesTodayStr.append(self.formatGamePast(game)) gamesTodayStr = ", ".join(gamesTodayStr) gamesUpcomingStr = [] for game in gamesUpcoming: gamesUpcomingStr.append(self.formatGameFuture(game)) gamesUpcomingStr = ", ".join(gamesUpcomingStr) gamesEarlierWeekStr = [] for game in gamesEarlierWeek: gamesEarlierWeekStr.append(self.formatGamePast(game)) gamesEarlierWeekStr = ", ".join(gamesEarlierWeekStr) msgPieces = [] msgPieces.append("\x02NFL week %s\x02:" % (games["season"]["week"])) # Depending on args build the respon pieces if len(cmd.args) > 0 and cmd.args[0] == "today": if not liveGamesStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Playing now:\x02 %s" % liveGamesStr) if not gamesLaterTodayStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Later today:\x02 %s" % gamesLaterTodayStr) if not gamesTodayStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Earlier today:\x02 %s" % gamesTodayStr) elif len(cmd.args) > 0 and cmd.args[0] == "live": if not liveGamesStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Playing now:\x02 %s" % liveGamesStr) elif len(cmd.args) > 0 and cmd.args[0] == "scores": if not liveGamesStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Playing now:\x02 %s" % liveGamesStr) if not gamesTodayStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Earlier today:\x02 %s" % gamesTodayStr) if not gamesEarlierWeekStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Earlier this week: \x02 %s" % gamesEarlierWeekStr) else: if not liveGamesStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Playing now:\x02 %s" % liveGamesStr) if not gamesLaterTodayStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Later today:\x02 %s" % gamesLaterTodayStr) if not gamesTodayStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Earlier today:\x02 %s" % gamesTodayStr) if not gamesEarlierWeekStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Earlier this week: \x02 %s" % gamesEarlierWeekStr) if not gamesUpcomingStr == "": msgPieces.append("\x02Upcoming:\x02 %s" % gamesUpcomingStr) # Collaspe the list into a repsonse string. Fix grammar msg = ", ".join(msgPieces).replace(":, ", ": ") # Nothing means there were probably no games if len(msgPieces) == 1: msg = "No games!" if len(msg) > 0: # The message can be long so chunk it into pieces splitting at commas while len(msg) > 0: piece = msg[0:330] msg = msg[330:] while not piece[-1:] == "," and len(msg) > 0: piece += msg[0:1] msg = msg[1:][0], "%s: %s" % (message.prefix.nick, piece.strip()))
[docs] def formatGameLive(self, game): c_vis = 3 if int(game["visitor_score"]) > int(game["home_score"]) else 4 c_home = 4 if int(game["visitor_score"]) > int(game["home_score"]) else 3 return "\x03%s%s(%s)\x03 @ \x03%s%s(%s)\x03 Q%s %s" % ( c_vis, game["visitor"], game["visitor_score"], c_home, game["home"], game["home_score"], game["quarter"], game["time"] )
[docs] def formatGameFuture(self, game): return "\x02%s\x02@\x02%s\x02" % ( game["visitor"], game["home"] )
[docs] def formatGamePast(self, game): c_vis = 3 if int(game["visitor_score"]) > int(game["home_score"]) else 4 c_home = 4 if int(game["visitor_score"]) > int(game["home_score"]) else 3 return "\x03%s%s(%s)\x03@\x03%s%s(%s)\x03" % ( c_vis, game["visitor"], game["visitor_score"], c_home, game["home"], game["home_score"] )
[docs] def getNflGamesCached(self): if time() - self.cacheAge > self.config["cache"]: self.cache = NFLLive.getNflGames() self.cacheAge = time() return self.cache
[docs] @staticmethod def getNflGames(): result = {} # Fetch NFL information as XML nflxml = get("") doc = etree.fromstring(nflxml.content) games = doc.xpath("/ss/gms")[0] result["season"] = { "week": games.attrib["w"], "year": games.attrib["y"], "type": NFLLive.translateSeasonType(games.attrib["t"]), # R for regular season, probably P for pre (?) "gameday": int(games.attrib["gd"]), # 1 or 0 for gameday or not (?) "bph": games.attrib["bph"] # not sure } result["games"] = [] for game in games.getchildren(): gameblob = { "home": game.attrib["h"], "home_name": game.attrib["hnn"], "home_score": game.attrib["hs"], "visitor": game.attrib["v"], "visitor_name": game.attrib["vnn"], "visitor_score": game.attrib["vs"], "gametype": game.attrib["gt"], # REGular season, probably P for preseason (?) "quarter": game.attrib["q"], # P if not started, 1-4, F is finished "time": game.attrib["k"] if "k" in game.attrib else None, "id": game.attrib["eid"], "gamenum": game.attrib["gsis"], "starttime": game.attrib["t"], "startdate": datetime.strptime(game.attrib["eid"][0:-2] + " " + game.attrib["t"], "%Y%m%d %I:%M") + \ timedelta(hours=12) # NHL provides a 12 hour EST clock with all times PM. # Add 12 hours so the datetime obj is PM instead of AM. } # Add 4 more hours to make it GMT gameblob["startdate_gmt"] = gameblob["startdate"] + timedelta(hours=4) gameblob["nfl_link"] = "" % ( gameblob["id"], result["season"]["year"], gameblob["gametype"], result["season"]["week"], gameblob["visitor_name"], gameblob["home_name"]) result["games"].append(gameblob) return result
[docs] @staticmethod def translateSeasonType(season): if season == "R": return "Regular" if season == "P": return "Pre" return season