Source code for pyircbot.modules.Remind

.. module:: Remind
    :synopsis: A module to support reminders

.. moduleauthor:: Dave Pedu <>


from pyircbot.modulebase import ModuleBase, command
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from threading import Thread
from time import sleep
import re
import pytz
from pyircbot.modules.ModInfo import info

[docs]class Remind(ModuleBase): def __init__(self, bot, moduleName): ModuleBase.__init__(self, bot, moduleName) self.db = None serviceProviders ="sqlite") if not serviceProviders: self.log.error("Remind: Could not find a valid sqlite service provider") else:"Remind: Selecting sqlite service provider: %s" % serviceProviders[0]) self.db = serviceProviders[0].opendb("remind.db") if not self.db.tableExists("reminders"):"Remind: Creating table: reminders") c = self.db.query("""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `reminders` ( `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, `sender` varchar(64), `senderch` varchar(64), `when` timestamp, `message` varchar(2048) ) ;""") c.close() self.disabled = False # Start monitor thread self.t = Thread(target=self.monitor_thread) self.t.daemon = True self.t.start()
[docs] def monitor_thread(self): while True: sleep(self.config["precision"]) if self.disabled: break self.monitor()
[docs] def monitor(self): remindPeople = self.db.query("SELECT * FROM `reminders` WHERE `when` < ?", (,)) reminders = remindPeople.fetchall() remindPeople.close() byrecip = {} for reminder in reminders: if not reminder["sender"] in byrecip: byrecip[reminder["sender"]] = [] byrecip[reminder["sender"]].append(reminder) reminders_bych = {} for recip in byrecip: reminders_pm = [] for reminder in byrecip[recip]: if reminder["senderch"] == "": reminders_pm.append(reminder) else: if not reminder["senderch"] in reminders_bych: reminders_bych[reminder["senderch"]] = [] reminders_bych[reminder["senderch"]].append(reminder) self.sendReminders(reminders_pm, recip, recip) for channel in reminders_bych: channelpms_bysender = {} for chreminder in reminders_bych[channel]: if not chreminder["sender"] in channelpms_bysender: channelpms_bysender[chreminder["sender"]] = [] channelpms_bysender[chreminder["sender"]].append(chreminder) for recip in channelpms_bysender: self.sendReminders(channelpms_bysender[recip], channel, recip) # Delete now that it's sent for item in reminders: self.db.query("DELETE FROM `reminders` WHERE `id`=?", (item["id"],)).close()
[docs] def sendReminders(self, reminders, target, nick): " Send a set of reminders of the same recipient, to them. Collapse down into one message." reminder_str = [] for reminder in reminders: reminder_str.append(reminder["message"]) reminder_str = ", ".join(reminder_str) if len(reminder_str) > 0:, "%s: Reminder: %s" % (nick, reminder_str))
[docs] def ondisable(self): self.disabled = True
[docs] @info("remind <time>", "have the bot remind you", cmds=["remind", "at"]) @command("remind", "at", allow_private=True) def remindat(self, msg, cmd): regex = re.compile(r'(\d+):(\d+)(?::(\d+))?([^\s\d]+)? (.*)') match = regex.match(cmd.args_str) replyTo = msg.args[0] try: hour, minute, second, tz, message = match.groups() message = message.strip() assert not message == "" hour = int(hour) minute = int(minute) if second is not None: second = int(second) except:, "%s: .at - Remind at a time. Example: .at 20:45EST Do your homework!" % msg.prefix.nick) return now = remindAt = # if there was timezone, make sure the time we're reminding them at is relative to their timezone if tz is not None: try: theirzone = pytz.timezone(Remind.translateZoneStr(tz)) except:, "%s: I don't recognize the timezone '%s'." % (msg.prefix.nick, tz)) return remindAt = theirzone.localize(remindAt, is_dst=Remind.is_dst(theirzone)) # Set the hour and minute we'll remind them at today. # If the ends up being in the past, we'll add a day alter remindAt = remindAt.replace(hour=hour).replace(minute=minute).replace(microsecond=0) # Set seconds if second is None: remindAt = remindAt.replace(second=0) else: remindAt = remindAt.replace(second=second) # if there was timezone, convert remindAt to our zone if tz is not None: try: theirzone = pytz.timezone(Remind.translateZoneStr(tz)) except:, "%s: I don't recognize the timezone '%s'." % (msg.prefix.nick, tz)) return remindAt = remindAt.astimezone(pytz.timezone(self.config["mytimezone"])).replace(tzinfo=None) # Advance it a day if the time would have been earlier today while remindAt < now: remindAt += timedelta(days=1) timediff = remindAt - #, "Time: %s" % str(remindAt)) #, "Diff: %s" % (timediff)) # Save the reminder c = self.db.query("INSERT INTO `reminders` (`sender`, `senderch`, `when`, `message`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", ( msg.prefix.nick, msg.args[0] if "#" in msg.args[0] else "", remindAt, message )) c.close() diffHours = int(timediff.seconds / 60 / 60) diffMins = int((timediff.seconds - diffHours * 60 * 60) / 60), "%s: Ok, will do. Approx %sh%sm to go." % (msg.prefix.nick, diffHours, diffMins))
[docs] @staticmethod def is_dst(tz): now = pytz.utc.localize(datetime.utcnow()) return now.astimezone(tz).dst() != timedelta(0)
[docs] @staticmethod def translateZoneStr(zonestr): translations = { "EDT": "US/Eastern", "PDT": "America/Los_Angeles" } if zonestr in translations: return translations[zonestr] else: return zonestr
[docs] @info("after <duration> <reminder>", "have the bot remind after", cmds=["after", "in"]) @command("after", "in", allow_private=True) def remindin(self, msg, cmd): replyTo = msg.args[0] if not cmd.args:, "%s: .in - Remind after x amount of time. Example: .in 1week5d2h1m Go " "fuck yourself" % msg.prefix.nick) return timepieces = re.compile(r'([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z]+)').findall(cmd.args[0]) if not timepieces:, "%s: .in - Remind after x amount of time. Example: .in 1week5d2h1m Go " "fuck yourself" % msg.prefix.nick) return delaySeconds = 0 for match in timepieces: # ('30', 'm') if not match[1] in Remind.scaling:, "%s: Sorry, I don't understand the time unit '%s'" % (msg.prefix.nick, match[1])) return delaySeconds += (Remind.scaling[match[1]] * int(match[0])) remindAt = + timedelta(seconds=delaySeconds) self.db.query("INSERT INTO `reminders` (`sender`, `senderch`, `when`, `message`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)", ( msg.prefix.nick, msg.args[0] if "#" in msg.args[0] else "", remindAt, cmd.args_str[len(cmd.args[0]):].strip() )).close() hours = int(delaySeconds / 60 / 60) minutes = int((delaySeconds - (hours * 60 * 60)) / 60), "%s: Ok, talk to you in approx %sh%sm" % (msg.prefix.nick, hours, minutes))
scaling = { "years": 365.25 * 24 * 3600, "year": 365.25 * 24 * 3600, "yrs": 365.25 * 24 * 3600, "y": 365.25 * 24 * 3600, "months": 29.53059 * 24 * 3600, "month": 29.53059 * 24 * 3600, "mo": 29.53059 * 24 * 3600, "weeks": 7 * 24 * 3600, "week": 7 * 24 * 3600, "wks": 7 * 24 * 3600, "wk": 7 * 24 * 3600, "w": 7 * 24 * 3600, "days": 24 * 3600, "day": 24 * 3600, "d": 24 * 3600, "hours": 3600, "hour": 3600, "hrs": 3600, "hr": 3600, "h": 3600, "minutes": 60, "minute": 60, "mins": 60, "min": 60, "m": 60, "seconds": 1, "second": 1, "secs": 1, "sec": 1, "s": 1, }